Lest we Forget26/4/2019 Here is the article I wrote Anzac day 2018.
The RIC Group is an Australian run and owned family business. Being a family business means there are great challenges and opportunities at the same time. There is no doubt we have been able to weave our own family values right through the company's culture and this is one of the reasons I believe our employees have a strong loyalty effect as they support our aspirations. What I also take great pride in is on a day such as Anzac Day which is Australia's most important day, my great grandfather Clifford Arthur Alfred Ellis was a Lieutenant for the Australian Army for the 24th Battalion. He was part of the Battle of Gallipoli. From Gallipoli he then marched into the Western Front and was part of Battle of Le Somme. It is hard to imagine exactly all he experienced but some of it was being gassed multiple times, shot, losing a number of friends and mates on the battlefield, and being away from home for a substantial period. Wikipedia states that Anzac spirit has perceived qualities which include endurance, courage, ingenuity, good humour, larrikinism and mateship. For me these are the qualities for the Anzac but also qualities you need in run a family business. Here is a story from my great grandfather from his diary: The bully picked on him once... He said OK I'll fight but let's have a drink first... CAA (Clifford Arthur Alfred) made sure the big bloke had plenty so when the fight was on the bully could not fight at all... That is smart, force not the answer but brains. The fight created a bond with the bully as all your mates were like family. In a way with a family business your team becomes your family. Everyone is aligning themselves to help the company goal. Below is a photo of my great grandfather Clifford with his battalion. He is the lieutenant in the middle sitting down at the front. Lest we forget. Recently, Integrated Industrial went live with The RIC Group’s multi bin WMS for MYOB EXO and the integration is complete with the Job Costing module of MYOB EXO. It has been a great success and as it is a browser based solution it has allowed for the warehouse team to pick up and use after two days of training.
One of the key requirements for Integrated Industrial was to develop a strategy of having special bin locations for particular items as they were for customer special orders. The multi bin WMS for MYOB EXO needed to automate the putaway location and ensure the WMS user scanned the correct bin location and product during the putaway process. The warehouse team quickly adapted to the Intelligent WMS. This enabled the team to swiftly receipt goods and put them away in their suggested bin location displayed on the scanners and have labels printed by the WMS. This significantly reduced the amount of paperwork and manual entry back to MYOB EXO which has completely streamlined the whole process. The team at Integrated Industrial has given very positive feedback about the Intelligent WMS from The RIC Group on how intuitive it was and how it immediately increased the accuracy of the work they complete. Just automating the putaway process has already allowed for efficiency gains and Integrated Industrial look forward to implementing the scan picking for the jobs in phase two. With the start of strong digital foundations now in place Integrated Industrial is poised for ongoing transformation, making greater use of the data to manage the business with KPI reporting and dashboards. Proof of delivery8/4/2019 The RIC Group's Intelligent Warehouse Management Solution now has the ability to capture a Proof of Delivery signature and ensure the right goods are dropped off to your customer. All integrated with SAP Business One Delivery Notes and AR Invoices. This will allow our customers to have their customers sign for their goods when they pick them up or when they are getting dropped off.
On the WMS the user simply opens up the correct document number and can scan the goods being dropped off to the customer site which increments a delivered quantity. On completion of the delivery the customer signs for the goods and enters in their name. Date and time is captured of the signature. All details captured is sent back to SAP Business One against the Delivery Document or AR Invoice. Intelligent WMS for SAP Business One1/4/2019 In March we sponsored the SAP Summit in Bangkok and it was great to show the SAP partners our browser based WMS. The feedback was very positive and a lot of comments were made on how clean and easy to use it looked.
Our focus is building an Intelligent Warehouse Management Solution for SAP Business One. With this we are starting a number of projects of AI and robotics with our WMS. The focus is to always be organically integrated with SAP Business one and have a real time WMS. We deliver continuous improvements and with our WMS we have delivered multi lingual feature which allows our customers to have the WMS in any language they want. This is providing a highly competitive solution across the globe. We understand that the workforce of today is higly mobile. There is no doubt our cloud transformation has accelerated but we do still offer maximum flexbility with low complexity. Our customers are able to deploy The RIC Group's WMS on cloud or on premises. Being browser based it allows our customers to BYOD (Bring your own device) and ensure the user is completely mobile. At The RIC Group we understand business needs change and our WMS solution will continue to co-evolve with you. Contact us on [email protected] for further information. |
November 2024